6 Sep, 2018 @ 10:44am
Originally posted by Brids17:
So necromancy always seemed to be useless in terms of the spells in this game. The passive is amazing and allows for many characters to be able to reliably stay alive however the spells themselves often seemed lackluster. Has DE done anything to make them worth while or is the skill worth it for more than just the passive?
Necromancy provided one of the strongest AOE combos in the game that could wipe out entire encounters.
Seems like you just didn't know how to use it.
Necromancy + warfare based builds are, at least in my opinion, easily among the most powerful in classic, so I don't really understand how it seems bad to you.
Sure, it's not really about raising an army of undead or anything like that but it is far from useless.
Uhhh necromancy was silly strong in the original. You were doing it wrong.
necromancy is in the good spot. it's unaffected by increased dodge implemented in DE, but 2 of it's most powerful spells were slightly nerfed (but if you'll manage to hold enemies in the radius for more then one round - it'll be fine)
What exactly did they nerf? The only thing I could find in the patch notes was them buffing two necromancy skills. I didn't see anything regarding nerfs.
They nerfed Blood Storm and Grasp of the Starved specifically.
they nerfed the radius of the Grasp. and damage of the Storm.
Shackles of pain is still totally op, giant potion + talent that double potions gives 3260 damage enough to oneshot every single enemy in act 1 and 2 (except for the troll), and you can use several potions in one turn for harder enemies in act 3 and 4.
Last edited by rkwipe; 6 Sep, 2018 @ 11:28am
"So necromancy always seemed to be useless"
I stopped Reading Right There...
He is probably talking about the non source skills , stop being a bunch of cucks
That's what always happens when you add a "story" or "explorer" mode to the tactical game
An example: Bloated corpse + supercharger = death to anything. Available right from the very damn start (even without the supercharger it's damn OP as it is)
Shackles of pain + Last rites for instakills, anyone?
Abusing Living on the Edge + Death wish (+chameleon if needed, then Cannibalise you incarnate for full health/armor restore and resummon it right after) for godmode, no?
And I'm not even mentioning how strong are necromancy phys damage skills for 1 AP (when you stand in elf flesh sacrifice blood or after corpse explosion or pre-casted blood rain, whatever) combined with blood incarnate who can knockdown and obliterate anything that is still alive after bloated corpses? :)
Oh did I mention that you only need like 2 points in necro for this to work at max effectiveness? + summoning ofc :3 Necro itself is half as efficient (as it should be) but combined with summoning and/or warfare it was, is and will be the most damn overpowered tool you can employ with almost zero investments, IMO the only thing stronger is geomancy/polymorph combo.
Now let's talk about source necro skills ^^
Last edited by Lifewarden; 6 Sep, 2018 @ 2:07pm
Hey I'm not sure what you mean . @Brids17
@breeze where do you get last rites?
Originally posted by odst57:
@breeze where do you get last rites?
Last Rites is just a level 3 Necromancy skill. You can get it at any necromancy skill book vendor once you're a high enough level.
Originally posted by breeze:
That's what always happens when you add a "story" or "explorer" mode to the tactical game![]()
I play on classic but even if I didn't, what would that have to do with anything? The difficulty someone plays on isn't going to change whether or not they miss a skill being strong or fail to realise a powerful combo.
Originally posted by Brids17:
I play on classic but even if I didn't, what would that have to do with anything?...
It has everything to do with it. Playing on easy/normal implies that people don't even have to come up with anything more complex than "pick some skills with the highest damage numbers on em and just mash buttons randomly". And then complaints like yours are born.
Last edited by Lifewarden; 6 Sep, 2018 @ 4:20pm
Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition Blood Storm
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/435150/discussions/0/2590022385654887797/
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